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PRITY 95 Ltd.

33 “Maksim Raykovich” Str, 5140 Lyaskovets, BULGARIA

GPS coordinates:
Base Lyaskovets: 43.113491 , 25.720671
Base G.Oryahovitsa: 43.13647 , 25.71441

Central: (+359) 884 941 948
(+359) 619 2 21 30
(+359) 619 2 20 23
Service: support@prity-bg.com
Pellet stoves: pservice@prity-bg.com
Sales department: sales@prity-bg.com
Marketing department: prity95@live.com
Accountant’s office: prity95@abv.bg
Supply department: trade@prity-bg.com
Tools: remont@prity-bg.com
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